© Jonathan Whitcomb 2011 Very little tropical rain forest remains in Singapore, but half a century ago things were somewhat different. Young Low Cheng was a small boy around 1959, when he saw what he thought were two unusual birds; at that time, he had no knowledge about extinction concepts and those flying creatures we call “pterosaur.” The two he saw were very unlike fruit bats: much bigger and flying differently. The boy wandered away from his village but “staying in Alexandra Road area.” He was “out on an adventure hunt” in the forest when he saw the apparent pterosaurs and noticed they were eating orange fruit from a palm. in a 2010 email, Low Cheng said that “they were very much bigger than flying foxes and they did not glide like these smaller creatures. I have seen flying foxes many times at my location before.” The main point of credibility for pterosaurs living in and around Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia comes not from this sighting in the Singapore area. It comes from many reports of apparent pterosaurs, with some of the interviews revealing much higher levels of credibility than this half-century-old sighting by Low Cheng. Singapore Pterosaur Not all pterosaurs are extinct This was once a tropical environment, a rain forest